My Projects
Below you can find some of my programming and modelling projects, attached are links the project site.
GTK GUI for Python bytecode disassembly and reverse engineering. Powered by the xdis disassembler.
Python, xdis, PyGObject, PyGTK
Command line client for OctoPrint 3D printer servers capable of controlling 3D print jobs, printer temperature, file management, and more! Useful for managing OctoPi instances from a SSH session.
Python 3, requests, argparse
Blog Site
Personal website created using HTML5, CSS, and Flask (The site you are on right now!)
HTML5, CSS, Flask, Python
Rofi i3wm Keybind Menu
A Rofi menu bash script that displays your i3wm keybinds for quick reference
bash, Python, rofi, i3wm